Mero Witches – Ellie Begins

micro Mero

Sylvia was there when I was born. Not in the room—she isn’t that kind of witch—but in the side yard just outside the bedroom window. Alone in the dark, with that line of oaks and hickories at her back, the river to her right, and a bonfire to her left, Sylvia watched Mama’s soul lift up through the roof, hover like it didn’t want to leave her helpless little baby, then give a shiver and dissolve into thin air. That’s how I came by my fate, you see. I’m meant to be an air spirit; that’s what the messages mean. Fate’s a harsh ruler, and getting around it takes grit plus some mighty strong desire, but I aim to do it. And if I die for my efforts, at least my soul will go where it pleases, and nobody can get in the way of that.